Essential Items to Keep in Your Truck

December 18, 2017Driving Training

Below are some items you should keep in your truck. Some are for emergencies; others are for daily living. All will keep you safer and more comfortable during your long drives.

Emergency kit - A well-stocked emergency kit should contain a variety of items that would be necessary in different types of emergencies, such as: batteries, a flashlight, a sleeping bag, first-aid items, tools, a small knife, jumper cables, window deicer, emergency flares, and an extra cell phone charger. Add any other items you think will come in handy.

Extra clothing and boots - Keep extra socks, hats, underwear, pants, undershirts, boots, and work gloves.

Motor carrier map - A map is critical to have as a backup in the event something goes wrong with your navigation system. 

Small cooler or mini-fridge - Essential for chilling beverages and any perishable food that needs to be kept cold.

Microwave - Preparing your own food on the road will save you a lot of time and money.

Food and drinks - Stock up on foods such as granola bars, bread, peanut butter, a bag of apples or oranges, dried fruit, nuts, deli meats for the cooler, water, and anything else you want to have on hand. 

Baby wipes - Wipes are handy for a quick cleanup and can also clean off greasy fingers and dirty dashboards.

Personal hygiene items - Including deodorant, toothpaste, a toothbrush, a comb, mouthwash, and floss.

Sunglasses - Sunglasses are extremely important for health and safety. A good pair of polarizing sunglasses prevents fatigue, headaches, and eyestrain. Always have a backup pair in the event your current ones get lost or damaged.
